> 文章列表 > 你不配的霸气句子英文


[摘要]:你不配的英文怎么说?Sometimes, God does not give you what you want, it is not because you do not deserve it but for the better. 有时候,上天没有给你想要的,不是因为你不。别这样和我说话,因为你不配英语?别这样和我说话,因为你不配 Dont talk to me like that, beca



Sometimes, God does not give you what you want, it is not because you do not deserve it but for the better. 有时候,上天没有给你想要的,不是因为你不。


别这样和我说话,因为你不配 Don't talk to me like that, because you don't deserve me. 别这样和我说话,因为你不配 Don't talk to me like that, because y。

我不屑与你争斗 你不配 英文怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

I am not worth fighting with you,you are not deserved!

你不配的英文怎么说你不配,你没有资格的意思. - 雨露学习互助

You do not deserve


Brother is not handsome but you do not deserve 哥不帅 但你不配




You can learn of me,but you can't campare me with you,you just not deserve it.

别来招惹我,你不配 的英语翻译 - 雨露学习互助

don'tdisturb me ,you don't have the chance .

你不配!用英语怎么说? - 雨露学习互助

You are not fit to be my friend. You are not fit to be a teacher.

你是我的最爱 但你不配 英文翻译 - 雨露学习互助

You are my best love,but you are not worh it.